Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Story Time Again

With Girl Scouts on a bye week (it is the 5th Thursday of the month) I have been thinking about my girls and their development. It is funny, when I put each girl in a group with her peers, how noticable it is the difference in maturity and interests. Brenda's troop, of 2nd year Brownies, is very mature. They listen well, they speak in turn (for the most part), they understand so much and are capable of about any activity I put in front of them.

Bret's troop, first year Brownies, want to play. They want to talk. They want to goof off for the sake of goofing off. With Bret's troop, I sift through try-its to find what interests them, and what they are most capable of doing and enjoying. It is more work for me to navagate through the maze that is my second grade troop.

Anyway, today was story time and the girls all went to check out the books. Brenda came home with a ton of books. We returned her other books, all of which she either read in complete, or decided that the book was not interesting after a few pages and closed it up. None were left untouched. And so she was welcomed to take as many books as she could read. Bret did the same, but of course I will be reading those to her.

Brenda made a comment about how she, meaning Bret, was not reading those books. I told her that the first step toward reading on your own is learning to love reading. That is where Bret is. Just a different place.

And Marley... in her own words, "This is my new friend, Ayissa. I maked her. (this means she made a friend.) I want to hang out with her." Can you tell Marley has older siblings? She so wants to have her own friends. Maybe Alyssa at story time is the beginning for her.

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