Thursday, October 9, 2008

Marley's new room

So we have had this ongoing problem lately with Marley getting into the girls stuff and playing with it. I had started to solve the problem by buying each girl a chest with a lock to keep their personal stuff in, when a friend mentioned to me another aspect of the issue. Marley has no place of her own to put her stuff. She doesn't have very much stuff of her own. She plays with Bret's Polly Pockets, but has none of her own, for instance. She sleeps in bed with us, her clothes are in my dresser, her toys have always been her sisters' toys. Now that she is almost 3 it seems like a good time to give her some space of her own. It could be a good time for her to learn the value of having to ask before you take, merely by us giving her the space to do the same. That is what we are doing this week. I am transforming the living room space of mine into a play room for her. We spend much of our play time in there anyway since that is where I keep the Holly Hobby dolls and accessories. I pulled the old toy box out from the basement, and we are off to find toys that could be considered "hers".

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