Friday, October 17, 2008

A Day to think about

We went on this real cool field trip today. It was a history festival at a big park. There were weavers, story tellers, old games to be played, the older kids got to try out a tomahawk for themselves, face painting, corn husk dolls being made and handed out, and plenty more. Gaige complained the whole time because his school friends were out of school for the day and he wanted to be hanging out with them. Bret complained because she was bored and I was not buying her anything (a frequent complaint lately as we tighten money for Christmas coming up). Marley cried because she saw a park with swings and wanted to play at the park. Brenda did not complain at all because she hooked up with a friend and spent all her time playing with her. Eventually Bret, Marley, and I ended up at the park to swing and play with the other school kids that were there. Gaige and Brenda stayed with the rest of our "group". When we made it back to the group, Bret complained that she had not done all the things the other kids did, Marley was crying for her na na, and Gaige was asking me if he could go wait in the car.

So we left. Moral of this story? I am not sure. Stop planning to go on field trips? This seems to be an ongoing issue I have. Gaige, well he isn't happy anymore unless he is hanging out with his school friends. Brenda doesn't care what she is doing as long as she is with a friend. Bret's happiness depends on whether or not she is going to get something. Maybe just plan social events for a while until the kids want to do something on their own time? I don't know. I will have to try to figure this one out.

They didn't seem to learn anything from this trip about history. They have had quite a few activities just like this lately. They are doing plenty at home. So maybe I just stop for a while. And see where life takes us...

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