Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween Festivities

Brenda and her good friend went as devils. And they felt their costumes were very fitting. Another friend went as a baby in a diaper.

Gaige showed up late straight from his bed. He came as a boy that just woke up still in his pj's. Again, not a big surprise costume, here. But still plenty of fun! This is a big attration for the Halloween parties. We have been doing it for years. The kids decorate these big houses (boxes). Then all the kids line up to trick-or-treat, while taking turns being the candy distributor. When the party is over, I have all these huge boxes for the kids to play with. Marley and I painted one later today after the party and played hide-and-seek in them.

Bret and her good friend B. This game replaced bobbing for apples. That was thankful, since my kids are all suffering from colds. The kids got into pairs. They took turns holding up a donut that was tied with dental floss. Their partner ate the donut from the string it is held by. First one done wins. But they were having so much fun that I don't think a definite winner was ever announced.

This year's Halloween Party was a blast. Director of Fun was my friend C. She dug into her huge endless supply of games and activities for tons of fun. There was donut dunking, Halloween pictionary, and much much more.

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