Friday, October 17, 2008

The Book WORM?

I had big plans to blog about this but hadn't gotten to it when C called me to chat. She mentioned to me that she went to the library with her kids and B (9yo daughter) checked out armfuls of books and had read them and returned them already. I was surprised, and I told her so. Brenda (also recently 9yo) had gone to story time with us at the library the day before, also checked out a ton of books and had been reading them like crazy. Well I should back up.

We were at the Thrift Store the other day when Brenda found a book called BabyMouse. It was comic book style and book form. So for something like 59 cents, I bought the book and gave her a minute or two of happiness. We had a couple more stores to go to, well I think it was three. She was done with that book before we even made it home. I was shocked. So now we found ourselves at the library and she comes out of an aisle with something like 15 books. Anything from paleosharks to more BabyMouse books to a Frannystein book. From there the girls wanted to go to the park. At first Brenda didn't want to go. She changed her mind and took a bunch of books with her to read. Bret and Marley took books too. I have always had this weird image of us going to the park to play while one or two of my kids sit under a tree and do their school work. Totally a "school" image. But this was so cool. She brought her own book and read of will at the park. And we were all after a while reading at the park. After that Bret had dance class. We at dinner and headed over to the school pool because once a week they open their pool to free swim. I packed Marley's diaper and pajamas for bed because I knew when we were done she might not make it home awake. What a long fulfilling day!

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