Tuesday, August 12, 2008

My Garden

So this is my "garden". As you can see I was originally lacking in the fundemental necessities that make up a garden. I have improvised well. Never mind Marley's sand that is sprawled on the cement and I have a fabulous quiet relaxing environment with which to sit and meditate.
This is, BTW, my back yard.

This here is one of my potted rose bushes that Bret wanted to buy this year. Do you see that little thing that looks kind of ferny just barely off to the left of the rose bush? It just popped up there. It looks like the beginning of a cosmos flower. I used to grow them years ago when we DID actually have a yard to plant in. I am not sure what it is or where it came from but how exciting that it is there growing!
OK now here is one of my Morning Glory vines. Let me tell the story about my Morning Glories. If you have heard it before, bear with me. I brought a tomato plant with me when I moved a few years back. We moved into a 1 bedroom appartment while we were waiting for our house to be livable. The tomato plant ended up having Morning Glory seeds in it from our last place. They grew. When we moved I took the tomato plant container with me and the seeds grew the next year into flowers. The following year, they were growing. Rather than growing in the pots, they were growing out of the cracks in the cement. They grew up the sides of my chairs and table. This year I have provided wood trellessess for them to climb and they are just gorgeous. They are just now blooming. I have purple and pink ones. By next year I will need to be picking them from all my garden I am sure.

I have veggies on the side of the house. They aren't much to look at. I will try to take a good amount of the plants inside this year to replant next year.

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