Saturday, August 23, 2008

Dinosaurs and Math

Brenda and I have set up a new time line for the dinosaurs she is studying. The big time line didn't have enough space for her to chart her dinosaurs. She asked me, after we put all the dinosaurs in the Jurassic and Cretaceous Periods, what was living in all the other periods that are on the time line? That isn't on our worksheets. We will have to look that up next.

These here are the times table cards I made up for Brenda. She has evidentally found a good use for them. We are only at 2's right now, and working one number a week. So next week will be 3's. Brenda checked the big chart of times tables to see how many weeks it would take. She figures three months. She is optomistic. I know that some of the numbers may take some more time. Plus we are not done with summer yet. Having fun is still our priority right now. If that continues we may never get through the tables completely. Ha ha ha. Like we care. Ok maybe we do a little right now, but that only lasts a few months usually.

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