Monday, August 18, 2008

The End of Swim Team

The good news... the high school has open swim once a week for the majority of their school year. The not so good news... this swim-a-thon for a cause meant the end of swim team for the season.
Since I blew it with soccer, did I tell you about that one?? OOh. I forgot to sign the girls up and low and behold this is the first year that the teams are past their overfull limit. Neither girl got to be on the local teams this year. On the upside, they took the news rather well, PLUS that frees up our fall considerably. Since at the end of last year Brenda quit her music lessons, swim team, and all other scheduled activities citing that she was overscheduled, I have considered the possibility that it might be really healthy for us to underschedule this year instead. Also since we have stopped inviting kids over to play these last few weeks the girls have been getting along so well! Just DON'T LET ME FORGET ABOUT DANCE REGISTRATION or they really WILL have my head.
Anywho I digress... since I blew it with soccer, Gaige didn't want to take football again, and Josh has taken this year to be the first in 10 years to not play travel hockey (maybe because of the whole school thing, I don't know) for the first time in "like" ever, my fall season is going to be ok. Big Bret is already talking about scouting places for his hunting excursions, so that is going to keep HIM busy no doubt. Is there something strange about my gone-vegan husband going hunting to kill deer? Self-proclaimed, he doesn't care about saving animals. He just wants to stop eating so much saturated fats and other stuff that is not good for ya. That is what that is about. He is still trying to convince me that if we moved into the woods we would ALL be better off and much more happier. I am not all against the idea either. Especially if he could get me a creek and some good furtile land for an amazing garden. Again I am off topic...
I will actually be able to take a class or two this fall since I won't be running around with a crazy schedule for the kids. Good news for me. The girls have dance, Gaige has his co-op twice a week now, Josh IS going back to school (more about that saga later). They will all be plenty busy without all that extra stuff this year.
Either way, swim team is over and we are moving on to another busy year of I-Don't-Know-What yet. I do know, based on past experience, that it will be really cool!!

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