Saturday, September 15, 2012

Why do they sleep?

It is almost 11pm on a Saturday. I have facebooked, emailed, taken the dogs out for an extra long walk and fed them, eaten a significant (more than I would like to admit here) amount of the leftover pizza from last night's late-night snack, chatted to my son a bit, done all my morning beauty traditions in the bathroom (peed, washed my face with soapy water, and put my unbrushed hair in a ponytail is about the extent of that unless I decide to take a shower later), and I am heading to do some much needed house cleaning when I get off the computer soon.

EVERYONE IS STILL ASLEEP!! Now I know they were up until 12 or 1am. Heck I was up until about 2am. Even my husband, who was so sure he was getting up at 3 or 4am to head to KY to go hunting for this massive 14point +drop tine buck that he saw on one of his cams, is STILL SLEEPING.
Now I love to sleep. I am a horrible monster to anyone who wakes up up in the middle of my sleep for ANYTHING. And until I am completely awake I don't even realize how bad I am being. (My husband is the same way, btw. And he takes it a step further where his waking up takes a lot longer and a lot of cups of coffee.) I am not a morning person. I can't stand the sound of alarm clocks. I have painful memories of being a teenager, waking up to my alarm for school. I don't like morning activities (sorry CO OP friends!! I still love YOU, just not waking up to SEE you.) I cannot stand that spot where I am still dreaming but on my way to waking up. You know that part in your dream where you keep it going in your mind even though you are waking up because YOU DON'T WANT TO.

I digress. The point being is I can relate to needing sleep and not wanting to wake up. But REALLY. At some point in time enough is enough. By 11am I start to think the day is being wasted. There is so much to do. So much to see and be part of! But still every day 11, 12, 1pm waking up. Why did God make us so that so much of our day and night are gone to dreams? Do you see this light shining right on Marley's face? The sun is trying to tell her something. She just isn't listening. WAKE UP SLEEPY HEAD! I want to wake them all up! But I won't. They are all as cranky as me when they are stirred. I wonder why that is????

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