Thursday, September 13, 2012

Nothing says fall like...

As I sit around stewing about my dream of homesteading in KY on my farm, yet living in Cincinnati in a house with no yard, and only a walkway around our building, I am reminded that I am not living in the moment, but rather living in what I want the future to be.

I love when the weather starts to cool down. When the cool breeze makes me crack open the drawer with my homemade knitted and/or crocheted cool-weather accessories, I start to feel like I might already be there. (Our property in KY, that is.) Putting on my warm sweaters and shawls, snuggling up to a good book with my warmie socks and a crocheted blanket that is as old as my son (who just turned 18yo OMG!!) maybe a hot bowl of soup on my nightstand. I know!! I shouldn't eat in bed. I always spill.

Well that was how I was feeling yesterday morning anyway. This morning I went out to walk the dogs... (that is because we don't have a yard and only a walkway around our building) it was hot again. I guess I will have to wait a little longer for the smell of dead leaves to overtake me when I walk out the door.

Until then, I shall live in the remnants of summer... :-)

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