Thursday, September 27, 2012

Freecycle... do you do it?

Do you even know what freecycle is? It is a yahoo group probably one in your area if you look it up. Freecycle allows you to post wanteds and offers of basic things you might need or want to get rid of. People will come pick it up from you if it will serve them a purpose. Or someone might offer up something you want. Works both ways.
Sometimes freecycle gets a bad name. One time I had someone reply to pick up something that I was offering. I specifically requested for people to only reply who can pick up in the next couple days because I wanted this item gone. Then I didn't hear back from her for a day. So I assumed she changed her mind and went off to the next person in line and offered it to them. Well a day and a half later she replied, apologizing for not replying in a timely fashion and that she was ready to pick it up. I had to tell her it was already gone and explained the situation to her. She accused me of being why freecycle gets such a bad name. It was because of people like me. And my thought on that is, if you replied to my email about what you wanted in like 10 minutes, then reply to my next email about making arrangements timely. After all you didn't have any problem getting to me to be first in line on my list of wanters.
Another issue with freecycle that I often hear is that people say they pick something up and then they DON'T SHOW UP. Don't be this person. This is such a great program for repurposing items. Don't be the person who makes things harder for the givers. I am a giver. I have received a few things from freecycle but mostly I have been on the giving end of things.
So I hope she won't be offended that I posted this photo. (She will probably never see it???) This is a lady who recently received two black garbage bags full of fabric from me. I sadly decided it was time to part with the fabric in my fabric closet that was taking space. I haven't quilted in years. I haven't sewn anything with that fabric in years. "Years" is long enough to let it go, I suppose. I am purging this week.

Anyway this lady who picked up my fabric sent me this photo. She makes fabric grocery bags. My fabric most of it was not as cool as this one I suppose. But I am glad it went to a good home and a great cause. Boy I hate those Kroger bags that fill up in my cabinet. I take them to recycle at Kroger when I remember, but I never forget how at the landfill tour last year, the tour guide told us that the worst thing to deal with (in the land fill AND in recycling) are those plastic grocery bags. They install fences at the landfill whose purpose is to keep those bags from flying everywhere. And the ones that make it to the recycle bin constantly get stuck in the recycler. Can't we find a better way??? My freecycle partner does :-)

Editors Note: If the unnamed maker of these fab bags happens upon my blog from the signature of my email I sent her, and wants credit for her work, I would update it with her info... with her permission of course :-)

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