Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Love Science AND Steve Spangler

So this is our second year attending a Monday Co op. (We have affectionately termed it the coop). Our first year was left with mixed reviews. It worked better for some of my kids than others. I didn't care for doing the coop, but one of my girls couldn't wait to go back. (I should follow this up with my opinion, so there are no misunderstandings. The people were for the most part nice and friendly. It was more structure than I like to have. And waking up the kids to get there on time was always a hassle for me, which I would rather not have. It was not the quality of the coop I didn't like, which btw is a religious based co op mostly "school at home" families using Mondays to suppliment their curriculum. We don't do that.

We went back and forth until the last day of registration as to whether or not we would do it again. Turns out we will. We had two coops we were considering, the other one more unschooly. In the end, Bret really wanted to stick with this science "teacher" she had last year and LOVED. Her teacher says, "I don't teach the science. You learn the science at home. In the class we celebrate all the learning you did during the week." Bret cannot wait to get home and work on this book... my girl who went to the co op last year telling me if anything feels "schooly" she is outta there. Plus she LOVES her TaeKwonDo class. So we stayed.

Well first Monday, come and gone. We have been plugging away at our new book and journaling notebook all week so she will be ready to "celebrate" come next Monday, when she decided she wanted to make that cornstarch/water mix and play with liquid to solid. Which turned into getting out the Borax and glue for some Oobleck for them to play.

Suddenly I check my email and Steve Spangler is there with his amazing experiments! Love this dude. We will be doing this one tomorrow, probably. Or Friday, if Girl Scout planning takes too much time out of my day.

Anyway Check it OUT!!!!

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