Wednesday, September 12, 2012

People and Companies who try to deceive me and YOU...

So if you are keeping up, you see that my DH and I went out to eat at the Golder Corral the other day. He often goes to eating little carbs to curb his weight issues. Golden Corral is a great place for him to eat, because he can eat all meat and still fill up, rather than getting a plate of food that gets passed mostly to me.

So he is off filling up a plate and I am reading our receipt. When our waitress had come over to us she reminded us (as they always do) about our chances to win $1,000 daily if we get online and fill out a survey. So I am reading about the survey that she circled for us. Here is what it reads...

10 Chances to win $1,000 Daily Plus weekly prizes valued at $1500. Survey, Rules, Eligibility, sweepstakes, and previous winners at.. "whatever website" blah blah blah.

Reread that and tell me how many $1,000 they are giving away a week. My husband is really good at seeing past people's crap so I read it to him and asked him how much they are giving away a week. (BTW this same survey has been on our receipt for months.)

Bret (my husband, not my daughter) says $70,000. His math is really good too.

I told him there is no way they are giving away $70,000 a week. There is no way. But listen: 10 chances to win $1,000 daily... Well that MIGHT just mean that ten people daily get their names added to the bowl of names that some day will be picked through for a $1,000 winner. Or maybe there will be 5 $1,000 winners some day. Why do they feel compelled to deceive us? Why can't they just tell the truth? Who decided that the best way for companies to get what they want is to lie to us? And HOW can we possibly turn this around.

So many liars and deceivers in the world. How do we help our children learn to combat them all? Little children lie because they want to get what they want and they want their adults to be happy all at the same time. Adults lie because they want to get what they want and don't care anymore about who it will affect. We live in this world with them. These people are being raised by our country of people. Do we have any idea how many of our congresspeople have criminal records? The list is so long I don't have room for it here.  They are being raised in our American communities and our American schools. They are running our country and raising more American people. Who has the guts to stop all this? Anyone? Dem Rep. Doesn't matter. They are lying and cheating, stealing, making laws that hurt us, and cushion themselves. Then they blame eachother for the state of our country so we can take sides and tear ourselves apart. They are smart. They know if we stand together, none of them will win. The are all full of... well you know. Its not just them. Its not just banks, or Wall Street. It is everywhere.

There are lots of good people out there, living good lives. I know this. We all know this. Lots of loving parents trying to help our children become loving people. How do we make this the majority? How to we produce a next generation that gets closer to being the loving people, that our generation is unable to be. How do we make the schools see that the lesson of caring and kindness is more important than memorizing the periodic tables. Or that loving who you are will get you further than learning what 3y+4y=.

I was once accused of being a Pollyanna. That was years ago.

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