Sunday, September 16, 2012

Meaningless School board Quote

If you have been around for a while, you will remember when I used to post the meaningless school board quotes from the school across the street. As far as schools go, I am sure it does its job. I mean it no disrespect. I know the school works hard to produce students who think like the state tests say they should think. And even try to put a little extra in there when they have time to do more than work toward standardized tests.

I have acquaintances who work there and I feel confident that they feel they are doing important work. I have no doubt they are sincere in their pursuit for a better world through the children they teach. I hope they are not offended by my wanting a different way, as I am not offended by their path. There are a million ways to be, and I don't hold a monopoly on the right way. There are many right ways for many different people. When we can all do our different things in different ways and live happily together, that is real success in the "fight for peace".

AND I cannot stand the ridiculousness of the posts on the school board outside the school. I don't know where these come from. With all the amazing inspiring quotes out there, I don't understand what the quote person is doing? These quotes are seldom inspiring and hardly ever make sense. This is a new one out recently.

"I would rather regret what I have done, than regret what I haven't done."

((((SIGH)))) If I was one of the parents on the PTA who helped fundraise for the purchase of this school board, I would be a little upset at its use. Does anyone else pass it by and sigh? Sometimes we slow down to read it, my whole family, then shake our heads. Sometimes my husband will catch a new one before me and he will update me on the new nonsensical quote. Then we shake our heads. I wish I could exactly remember the one from last spring that likened "untaught and unschooled" children to weeds. Then the teachers turn them into flowers. I cannot imagine my family would feel better about this if our kids went to school there.

Other meaningless school board quotes that they might want to consider in the future...

If you bring your homework home, then you can learn at home too.
If you teach a child to fish, he will kill fish AND worms.
If you teach a child to garden, he will kill veggies too.
Stay inside, and you won't get burned by the sunlight.
Creativitiy happens best with a pencil and paper in hand.
Children learn best when they are taught.

Not that I think the quote master in charge of the meaningless school board needs any help.

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