Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Meet squishy cat brian. I got this photo off Brenda's facebook. Someone at Walmart (where appearantly she and her friend dressed up all goofy and went walking the aisles to see their effect on other people) gave her a fish and the receipt to go with it. So now we have this fish. It will need its own bowl, because although she told me it wasn't a gold fish, she is now calling it a gold fish. Clearly if she likes squishy cat brian she won't put it with the turtles.

Anyway she is coming home today. Which she regrets. She says to me, but when I come home I will have to deal with Lily waking me up early every morning and I hate that. To which I say, well that is because you keep us up at night with your loudness. Since Dad has to get sleep to wake up and work to pay the bills, he trumps your need to stay up late and loud with his need for quiet sleep.

More than once, in the last couple years, we have discussed the IF THEN chapter in the parent book I was given to read upon agreeing to take on this job position at this company called. And specifically how it relates to our sleeping needs, and the respect of others' sleeping needs.

Brenda feels she needs to sleep away a good portion of her day and stay awak a good portion of her night. Gaige feels he needs to sleep early, since he wakes up at 6:30am to get ready to school. Sometimes Bret (my husband big Bret) wakes up even earlier than that.

Here is how the IF THEN clause works, in relation to our sleeping needs. If you are quiet while others sleep, THEN you can stay up as long as you would like. IF you are loud, and passively or agressively disregard the needs of the sleepers, THEN you go to sleep. IF you cannot sleep because you are not tired yet, THEN you may go to your room quietly and do something like watch a movie with your ipod and headphones. IF you still cannot stay quiet after that, AND this continues for repeated nights, THEN you will wake up early so you are more tired at night.

We are all late sleepers and late go-to-bedders. So when I say we want to go to bed early, most likely that is 12am-ish. Except for Gaige who does go to sleep about 10:30 or 11 on school days. When I say "you will wake up early" that is most likely 10:30 or 11am. Not 7 or 8 in the morning. I am not usually even up at that time.

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