Friday, December 3, 2010

The Beach On Ice

When we went to homeschool day last time (maybe 4 years ago) there were 300 people +. Today there were considerably less than 100 people. But still the girls had a great time. Ice skating came first, and for Bret most of her day was dedicated to it today.

The girls spent some time on the sled rides. Marley went once and decided it was too scary to go again. I knew better than to even try it. When I was younger I loved to make my stomach drop. Not so much these days.

Here is where Marley and I spent most of our day. I hung around while she fed and played with the petting zoo animals.

Marley wanted to know why people catch animals and put them in cages for people to look at and touch. I told her I didn't know why. And what did she think was the reason for it. She said she thought it was because little kids like her want to get close to them and they will run away if they are not in cages. :-(

They are all snug in beds fast asleep now. Exhaustion set in. Little Bret offered to read to Marley while I cleaned up from our cookie making. Marley fell asleep (BTW she lost her third tooth today when Gaige popped her in the mouth with a ball) and the other girls followed shortly after. They will sleep good tonight.

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