Wednesday, December 8, 2010

19 Cookies 'Til Christmas

I am trying to make up for lost time. First, Gaige and the hospital took my day away. The next day I had to shop for the girls for funeral attire(Bret's grandpa, Grandpa Ray, who holds the key to so many of Bret's real great childhood memories, almost 91, passed away the same day Gaige had his accident)in between dance classes. So we are two days behind. And now the girls are with their Grandpa Jim for a couple days and I might be able to get back caught up with the cookies... and perhaps my todo list too.

These are called Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookies.
Mix 2/3c. melted butter, 4 c. quick oatmeal, 1 c. packed brown sugar, 3/4 t. salt, 1 t. vanilla, and 1/2 c. light corn syrup together well, and press into a 10'x15' (editor's note: Clearly this was supposed to be 10"x15". Sorry for the misprint. And thanks for catching it!) pan. Bake at 425 degrees for 8-10 min (don't overbake) until light and golden. They will be bubbly. Cool and frost. let set before cutting into squares.

Frosting: melt 12 oz. bag of milk chocolate chips and mix with 2/3 c. peanut butter.

So evidentally I overbaked because the sides were hard and would not come out of the pan. That might be because I cut the recipe in half since the girls are gone until Friday. So strong note... watch this one if you try it. DON'T OVERBAKE!!! lol. Anyway, the middle part worked out great and I think they are delicious! But chocolate and peanut butter mixed together??? How can you go wrong with that combo.

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