Monday, December 29, 2008

Oh What A Wonderful Life

After two days of non stop playing with Lily, well I don't know if it is literally non stop. I do know that it was A LOT of playing. Anyway she was feeling left out tonight. I spent the day cleaning and getting the house in semi order, only to have 10 girls stomp through my house on the way to their Girl Scout skating party. Funny enough, Bret pal'd up with a friend of hers from Brenda's troop. And Brenda found her own comfort zone worth of friends. My troop co-leader brought along her older daughter who was an older Girl Scout. I found out today that her troop disbanded this year, for whatever reason. We talked a bit about her becoming a Juliette for a while until something else comes up. (That is where with the help of an adult she works as an independent Girl Scout.) She could sell cookies to earn money for her camp and whatever else she wants to do, work ahead without the actual troop. She seemed interested. For some of the Girl Scouts there today with us, it was a great learning experience of what they do NOT want to do again. Some of them were begging for more skating parties. I'd say we all learned something... Like how bruises don't kill you for instance. He he he. Just a couple more weeks and we are heading camping. Whoooooo hooooo. What fun. Two nights of no sleep for me. ;-)

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