Sunday, December 21, 2008

Before... and After

(My husband) Bret decided he wanted to get dread locks. I have wanted them for a while. When Josh had them I loved them and thought they were the coolest. So we bought the special bees wax with no petroleum in it (that just makes the wax like vasoline, sticky and goopy, I remember from Josh's hair), and decided to practice on me. It might be a while before Bret's hair is long enough. In fact I remember when we did Josh's so long ago, that Bret had wanted to do his hair too, but he never did. Corporate look and all, I guess, who knows. Life happens. Anyway three days and HOURS later...

Ta daaaaaaa! What fun! But let me warn you if you do get this done to you... There is a lot of pain involved. Now I realize that having my perfectionist husband do my hair made the whole experience last longer than normal (like DAYS longer) but even done professionally, it is painful!
So here is what we did. First we went to and checked out their video. That was very helpful and would have been great to have for Josh's hair, way back when. Then we bought their shampoo bar, their wax, and their wooden comb (in Bret's opinion, a must-have). For my hair it took an entire jar of the 8oz. wax, but I do have a lot of hair. So anyway, next I washed my hair with their Knottyboy shampoo bar which totally took any softness out of my hair and made it impossible to brush, duh. I dried my hair and crimped it with my crimp iron (this gave it lots of frizz for the dreading process). And Bret got to work, back combing pulling, waxing, and palm roll, palm roll, palm roll (Bret, it turns out, is a backcombing maniac, and that was the painful part). A couple days later, here I was like new, only dreadlier.
Lovin it!
See you soon and Merry Christmas. Happy Chanukah, as today is the first day of THAT holiday. It is also the Sunday Solstice Celebration for us Wild Women so I will be at the drumming circle all night tonight celebrating so many things that are wonderful in my life. And there are plenty.
So to all my many many friends (and it just occurrs to me now how many that be) thank you ALL for being in my life with me. Thank you for sharing your part in my last year, and do stick around for the next one too! I will surely miss you if you don't!
Which do you prefer? Let me know. BUT BE NICE!!


Crazy House of Nine said...

I love your dreads!!! I was admiring them at the Kalahari!! Sorry I didn't stop to tell you so. I will now be following your blog;)
Kimberly Conti

justjuls said...

These are great!
Are you enjoying them as much as you thought you would? I have considered them. I have the beeswax and some little rubber bands in my bathroom - I made two dreds then chickened out!