Saturday, December 20, 2008

I don't want that to happen to me...

Marley and I were emersed in bathroom conversation this morning while I was taking a bath. She usually graces me with her presence when I am in the bath. We were talking about getting bigger and older for quite a bit already.
"I don't want bigger to happen to me", she said.
"Well then you should stop eating," I told her half in jest.
"Eating, along with sleeping and exercising, sunlight, learning, and some other stuff, will help you grow up."
She thought about this for a minute. "Well, I am still hungry." And with this she was off to see what there was for breakfast in the fridge.

We spent some time looking at pictures of Dad and me as babies and little kids with her. We showed her how Dad and I both had moms and dads when we were little. Now we are big and we are the mom and dad. Still she wants to stay little forever. But it was fun to look at the pictures.

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