No TV, no radio, no cooking? What to do? Since we had plenty of time and not much to do with it this week, I decided to get out the big lego tub. Years ago, for Christmas, the boys got a 75+ lb box of Legos to add to their already-brimming-over collection. Well anyway I broke out the Legos. The girls have never really played with them before so I had no idea that they would be stuck like glue to them all week. To give you an idea what a mess that Lego box was, in the beginning the conversation went something like this... "Hey I found a head," -Brenda. "I found the body," -Bret. "I found an arm" -me. Brenda, "Oh give that to me, I need an arm." As we were putting the people back together. Now there is a Lego town equipped with store, bank, and hotel on my dining room table. Lego cars and boats, and Lego people living amid it all. How can I complain???
A friend asked me to come to the ice rink and keep an eye on her kids for their ice skating lesson so that she could go to an appointment yesterday. My girls laced up and had a blast. C came and picked up her kids, they left, and my kids were still on the ice until the last minute where they were finally kicked off. Ha ha ha. Lessons? I don't know, but free skating? Yup, that is the answer for sure. What fun!
And in other news, as I am adjusting my homeschooling and parenting methods lately, I am also quiting school for a bit. The kids need me there 100% and it seems like I just can't be. I am frustrated when I cannot get everything done. So I am taking a break. I am usually much more happy when I am slowed down, and the kids need to see that right now. I think I decided if I am to make the kids my priority, I agree that I am not doing that when I have midterms and final exams to study for. Anyway I am three weeks into one of my classes and am dropping out mid class. I am a little sad about it, but it just feels like the right thing to do. So check out my quote of the week on the right. It has all to do about this.
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