Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Story Time Begins Again

We busted out of Story Time for the summer with the pool, craft time at the park, swim team, and all that other summer fun. We are back. Marley dressed herself in a sweater. When I told her it might be too hot for that and suggested a tshirt, she put the tshirt over the sweater. She demanded to keep it that way, and away we walked to the library. Marley asked to be carried into the library, and she sat in my lap the whole time. In the end she got up and danced to the music, colored her paper, and mingled with the little'uns. She felt shy she told me.
So what is going on here? We forgot to buy new clothes dye for the batiking this week. I wonder how blackberries will work? I might look into that. Marley is taking a nap every day now. That seems to work out ok. Also it gives me a reason to ask for some down time daily with the older girls.
There is a new development in Josh's high school public school blogged experience, for anyone interested.
That seems to be all. I will update with more fabric for the quilt soon!

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