Monday, March 16, 2009

Yesterday and Today

Bret had a World Fair at her co op yesterday. I was signed up to help out with concessions for a few hours. I do that a couple times a year to help out, or I could choose not to help and pay $25 a month. That wasn't sounding like the workable option this year. Anyway, it is like an art show, and a just basic show of work the kids have been doing. One of the kids had a display showing the kids how to make silly putty (we used to call it goop) with borax and glue. As it turns out I have tons of borax since years ago when Gaige Josh and I made goop together. And we have tons of glue. So we have been making silly putty all day.

i will try to come up with the putty pictures from Josh Gaige and myself from years ago too.

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