Friday, March 13, 2009

Will you lie down with me??

Brenda asks me a lot if we could just lie down together and snuggle. She just wants to have that special time. So when Dad finally got up in time to take Bret to her co op on the way to work today, and Marley was still sleeping, Brenda seized the opportunity. "Mom, will you lie down with me?" Of couse because I have nothing else to do. We have been trying to finish this book we have been reading together called Witch Catcher, for a while, really. I took that time to grab the book and get some reading in. We finished the book. So I am putting out a book suggestion to the mothers and fathers and teachers of all sorts with children around Brenda's age. She is 9 btw. We both LOVED the book. It is not for people who have religious afflictions to books about fairies, witches, spells, and other crafts of that sort. But if you don't fall into that catagory, this book was fun, adventurous, and the hero was actually a heroINE which I love to see! It is great for the girls to see girls in books doing great things (even if it is a book of fantasy).

So TOP PIC for Brenda and myself. If you haven't already read it... Witch Catcher by Mary Downing Hahn is a must read.

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