Friday, March 6, 2009

Park Time

The weather was good. At first we signed up for a Homeschool Girl Scout event. It was a dog whisperer program. But we didn't hear back soon enough, so we planned to attend an outing park program. We dropped Bret off at her co op program and headed over to the park. It was about shelters and safety. When we got there the park person was sick throwing up in the portolet. So obviously the program didn't go on, but we had hours before we would pick up Bret, so everyone who came for the program stayed at the park to hang out and make a day of it. Brenda made a bunch more friends. Lily and I made a cake out of twigs, pine needles, rocks, and leaves, we took a walk, played in our "house" and just had a great day outdoors. The lady who set up the dog whisperer program up called me to tell me she did score a bunch of tickets to the circus. We are off to pick them up soon. What a great day.

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