Monday, June 30, 2008

Holly Hobby Day

Marley wanted to play with the food today in the Living Room. That is my room that I share with the kids for things like drumming together or reading together. For the most part, though, it is off limits to the kids. I use it for quiet time and meditation. I keep a lot of personal things in there that I don't want them to touch... Like my Holly Hobbie collection. Well Marley brought in some stuffies to feed. Then I got the idea that it might be a good time to take the Holly Hobby dolls out of the shelf, and the Holly Hobby tea set and have a tea party with them. We took them out. Marley was a barrel of imagination. It occurred to me that I have these dresses that my mom made for me and my sister when we were little, in the image of Holly Hobby dresses. So I went into storage and hunted one out for her. Brenda found the bonnet. It came with the house when we bought it, and is also hand made. So before we knew it, the girls and I were all involved in a grand game of "house" where we were feeding babies on the Holly high chair, and rocking them to sleep in the bed. What a fun time that was today. Marley has just become a bundle of imaginative play lately, and she insists that she have company. I have been struggling to keep up with her needs, and the needs of the household in general. It is so important that she really have time to expand her imaginative play. It has even taken a chunk out of her reading time. She would rather play... with me. So this was a great day to spend with that, at a time when I am trying so hard to find time to work this play into MY schedule as well.

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