Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Great Book

I got a series of books the other day that I have been reading to Bret and Brenda. They are amazing books. I am always looking for a way to introduce more spiritual learning into their lives. These books compliment our lives real well. These I bought. The Little Soul and the Sun, and The Little Soul and the Earth. Both are by Neale Donald Walsh. And they explain many things in little children terms that take patience and time for adults to hold truth with. As Brenda and I loved the books so much, we raced through them. With Bret I am taking the books chapter by chapter. We are actually starting with the second book, The Little Soul and the Earth, because it is more relatable right from the start. Then we will go to the first book and get the background to how the little soul got where it is now.

And since Brenda and I finished so quickly, this morning we read another book that I got from another library a few weeks ago. I have been holding onto these books to read to the girls but the right time didn't show up. Now Brenda is back into sitting with me and reading books again. This new book is The Secret-Keeper by Kate Coombs. Again, a great book. Not a chapter book, just a shorter kids book. We read it in one sitting and loved it both of us. It gives us a chance to talk about how important it is to have positiveness in your life. Just enforcing what we already know. I love those kinds of books.

Anyway that is our homeschooling happenings these days. Other than hanging out at the pool, that is.

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