Sunday, June 1, 2008

Another Busy Saturday

So we started our day making badges with the badge maker kit the girls got from the Girl Scout cookies they sold. They have been really bugging me to make these for them. Bret's was a cat button, and Brenda found a picture of a baby pig. She made one from that. Then we headed to the library. There was the kick-off of the summer reading program. We were already ahead of the game. In fact, Brenda had read so many hours in the last week that she already qualified for three prizes AND a book. She had been staying up late with a small light reading my old Calvin and Hobbes comic books and Bret's pet fairy books to up her tally. So she picks up this book called Chillin' Trix for Cool Chix, by Leanne Warrick. I asked her if she was sure that this was the book for her, and she said yes. We decorated our backpacks. That was the craft to kick start the summer program. And away we went home to get ready for the pool.

I took the book with me to scan over at the pool while the kids played. It was a cool book. There were quizzes about all kinds of cool stuff like how well you get along with your mom, there were fun snack recipes (plenty that a gluten free girl like herself could make), there were horoscopes and Chinese zodiac info to read, pages on decoding dreams, palm reading, activities to do, pages about make-up and clothes swapping parties. Anyway, it was a cool book and I was impressed. So we went to the store after the pool, to collect ingredients to make some cool snacks. Brenda asked if we could use these recipes instead of the ones in the Girl Scout book to complete one of the badges she is working on. I thought that was a good idea. She made a couple snacks. Then we decided to make a horoscope activity. I will help her put together a set of cards with everyone's different horoscopes on them from the book, including their color, gem, and Chinese zodiac sign. Then she will prepare something for each family member that uses the color(s) to match with the Horoscope sign. We will work on that this week.

Josh was in charge of cooking a meal for the family for dinner. Sadly he couldn't stay to eat with us. Social life called. Though since I have decided to ask him once a week to make a meal for the family, I think that will be the non-friend night. We can have him here that one day. I am considering asking Gaige to do the same, prepare a meal once a week for us. That will free me up from two dinners, and get the kids cooking independently.

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