Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanks Giving Fun

So I bet you are wondering why there is a picture of Brenda's monkey hanging out on the back patio chair on this blog entry. Well as I sit here drinking wine and eating the remains of my pumpkin roll at 12:31am it seems slightly funny (possibly because of the wine influence) that this picture is the only Thanksgiving picture I have.

The day before, we cooked and baked to our heart's delight. The girls' friend Emma came over. And we made Pecan Tassies, Martha Stewart's Crescent Cookies, Pistacio Bread, Pumpkin Cheesecake, Pumpkin Pies, Pecan Pies. Plus I mashed the potatoes, cut the onions and celery, peeled the sweet potatoes... it was right about here when we finished peeling the third sweet potato that I realized I was about to get the stomach flu that I was fighting all week, that the girls (and big Bret) had suffered through one at a time for the last week and a half.

And so poor Bret had to do all the cooking and cleaning and child tending and dog and puppy tending on Thanksgiving Day while I lay in bed puking my little head off. lol. I know there is something to be thankful in all of that, but I can't remember what right now. :-)

LOL: Editor's Note: I forgot to mention why the Monkey Picture. Brenda had just puked in the middle of the night before. The monkey was one of the many casualties of the sickness. He was out airing off after the wash cycle. Poor guy. He is doing better now though. All better snug in bed with the girls.

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