Thursday, November 4, 2010

The missing tooth

So Marley, who is not quite 5, has lost two teeth already. The first one she lost the day we went to the forest park to pick acorns for Bret's deer hunting. We were at the park for several hours, ending with making a big leaf pile and playing in it. (That is where I got this picture from). So from there we came home, had dinner, and... realized Marley's tooth was missing. No one knew how long it was missing or where it was. It was just gone. We did have apple slices for dinner. So we scoured the house to no avail. Finally Marley got tucked in to bed without her tooth, devistated. While I was reading to her, Dad frantically hunted his drawers until he "found" the tooth. Marley said, what is all that brown stuff in it? "Oh the blood must have dried up real fast." She went to bed satisfied and the tooth fairy didn't disappoint. So take a good look at this picture. I think it proves that her tooth fell out before we even got home. lol. I will show it to her when she is much older. We will get a good laugh at the Tooth Fairy's expense.

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