Saturday, November 27, 2010

Christmas Time Again

After years of Bret being the tree guy, I finally branched out last year and made a tree that I wanted. I guess I just decided that was the year that the tree finally mattered to me. It was a hit!! So this year when I went to make my tree again, I have NO IDEA what I did with my red and silver ribbon that went on the tree. Bret took me to the store after work today and we bought new ribbon and ornaments to add to the tree. I have grown to love fake trees. They are so maintenance free!! Worried about the lack of Christmas tree smell?? Buy a candle. It is just as good.

Thankfully my Thanksgiving stomach flu only lasted a day. The girls put me right on the job, Friday morning, bringing up all the decorations and ornaments, and trees. They couldn't wait to start decorating the house.

How we LOVE the holidays!! And we are so far behind! Usually I have already taken each person shopping for presents for their family already. They are beggin to get out and shop for their siblings. lol. December shopping, that I don't love so much. Crowds of angry and cranky shoppers... no love lost there.

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