Saturday, November 13, 2010

Observation Day

So yes, Bret is missing from these pictures. She asked that we DON'T come to watch her at observation day. Marley's day was easy. Nothing else is happening on Tuesdays. But Brenda's Wednesday?? Wowee. We cooked muffins and brownies for Gaige's PTO bake sale, I sat in on the PTO meeting (I am the secretary of the PTO), I headed over to meet Bret at Brenda's dance class for Observation Day, and we went to the pool afterwards for an hour swim with friends. That day WORE me OUT!

Anyway here is the one chance I get to photograph my girls in their dance class until May's recital. Marley is wearing Bret's recital outfit from two years ago. I remember I took dance once when I was little. I quit real quick though when my sister told me that it was not cool. My girls, they love it all of them!

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