Saturday, February 20, 2010

Mung Beans

I have been waiting to go to Jungle Jim's for a while so I could buy some beans to make sprouts with. When Lisa and I went there for Thinking Day food I picked up some Mung Beans, and excitedly set Lilian on the job. She poured some into a bowl, added water, and put it on the window sill. She of course had no idea what was going on, but she is always excited to help out with that kind of thing. Then she played with the leftover dry beans. Yesterday, we took a peak and noticed a few things. For one, the mung beans had absorbed most of the water, they were about twice the size of the leftover mung beans, and they had these mini tooth-looking things sticking out of them. That was cool. Then Lilian spent some time with them and made an observation all by herself that she couldn't wait to share with both the other girls... When you picked up a handful of each and dropped it slowly back into the bowl, one sounded like bath water and one sounded like rain.

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