Sunday, January 24, 2010

Lily's Robe

Lily has been asking for a robe ever since I took her to a friend's baby shower and gave her a robe for her baby. Lily was so upset that she didn't get that robe and has obsessed about a robe ever since. So Big Bret decided we should make her a robe for Christmas. Halfway through the process, a few days before Christmas, my sewing machine broke. It needed adjusted. There just wasn't enough time left. SOOOOO... I got out some trimming and sewed it by hand decorating it accordingly so it didn't look hand sewn. It turned out amazing! And she got her Fancy Nancy bath robe. Then a couple days before Christmas I went upstairs to find a cd. She sneaked up there after me and saw the Fancy Nancy fabric on the table. She was so excited. "Mommmmm!! Fancy Nancy fabric. How did you know I want Fancy Nancy fabric???!!! I love it!" I shuved her butt right back down in a hurry. At least the robe was already wrapped!

And what should arrive under the tree for me, 15 years after my first one, which pootered out on me only days before... but a brand spankin' new, amazingly fabulous sewing machine. And it is a peach!

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