Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Have you seen this on FB yet?

Parents who would do this to their child shouldn't reproduce..

Shaming actually inhibits the development of empathy.

It has been going around. Circulating. I talked to Bree, my 13 yo, when I saw it pop up on her facebook that she had left up. Is this a real post? Is it made up? I know Bree and her friends used to make up touching chain letters and txt them to friends to see if they would catch on. This could be a case of people making things up to get noticed, or to see what the comments will be, or just to get a rise out of people. Or it could be real. This is the second post of this sort, featuring this boy and his sister...

Parents... Stahp

Anyway, here was my post to the topic. Is is ok? Is is brilliant parenting? Or are the parents forgetting that their children are people? With feelings? You decide.

I replied to this on another webpage. I like to imagine when I am helping my kids learn, how might I feel if my husband was displeased by something I did and treated me that way. After all not too long ago, wives were regarded as similar to how we regard children. The man's job was believed to keep her in line. to make sure she behaved. How would this parent feel if his/her spouse used this parenting "technique" for him/her. Infuriated, hopeless, betrayed? Probably not the best place to start the learning process.

I don't always do the "right thing" as a parent. Guilty. I am not the judge of any parenting. I try to use these kinds of things to remind me of my goals and whether or not what I am doing is bringing me closer to them.

More on the topic? These views are in line with mine for the most part. Only she outlined them out more clearly than I would typically do. :-)

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