Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Dollar Tree

We call it the dollar store, but it is my joke that it should be named the $20.00 store. Because really, who leaves out of there and spends $1.00??? No, you go in there to spend a dollar and end up dropping a twenty. All the dollar items in all the local groceries, they are all sitting neatly in ONE STORE. The one stop one-dollar-item store. We love that place. Most kids do that I know of. Because what parent won't drop a dollar for a day's worth of fun. "Of course the toy will be broken by tomorrow most likely, but we will worry about that later. Right now my child is having fun and I can get some work done." And the excitement of the kids scanning through the store for 1/2 hour looking for the ONE thing they want to buy... make up, hair accessories, candy, toys, notebooks and markers, coloring books, something to give the dog, yarn, etc. It seems endless for them. So Brenda and Bret had a friend spend the night and that was all of their treat. We spent probaby close to one hour at the dollar store looking for that ONE thing each one of them could bring home. We love the dollar store. I don't know why. It gives the impression of saving money because "IT'S ONLY A DOLLAR MOM!!" So we go and drop a twenty happily so that we can FEEL like we saved money.

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