Thursday, January 22, 2009

What's a Happenin?

Today's blog features Salvador Dali.

As does my new Quote of the week... One day it will have to be officially admitted that what we have christened reality is an even greater illusion than the world of dreams. Salvador Dali

So my blog has been void of actual homeschooling stuff. What ARE we doing here all day? Where are my political comments? Why is SHE slacking on the job? You might ask yourself.

We HAVE been real busy. You might blame the lack of blogging to that. Maybe. Girl Scout cookie sales have begun and are taking a lot of my time. I am the leader and cookie mom for two troops. This takes a lot of coordination from my part. Also there is Kalahari to get ready for. What is that?? Only the biggest indoor waterpark in the USofA. We are off to an unschooling gathering. But again, we are saving up for this fun. So unless it is free, we aren't doing it right now. And things are already tight. We have spent a lot of time at home doing fun things there.

Politics? What do I think about our new president? What about his inaugeration speech? What about the new first lady's dress? Haven't we heard all those comments already? I try to stay off straight politics whenever I can. It is like religion, breastfeeding, homeschool vs. public school, etc. It is personal and when you discuss it, it makes people crazy. The D's hate the R's. The R's hate the D's. He's wrong. I'm right. No you are wrong, my way is right. If you believe that one person is the downfall of anything, it can only be you. You are the only one that can make or break anything. That is my political view, and my view on all other controversial issues. So what great things will our NEW prez bring to the table? I can only hope that he brings awareness with him.

I am swapping girls with a friend and that is a nice switcheroo. On Tuesdays I have her daughter. On Thursdays she has one of mine. Both of my girls are friends with her daughter so it is nice for them each to get their special time with her. Also I get some special time with that other daughter that stays home. Today it is Bret. She has asked me to take her to the Thrift Shop to spend some of her money. She has $7.00 minus the dollar she spent at the dollar store the other day plus $5.00 for that damn inflated toothfairy deal she has going on. So $11.00 altogether. Not a bad spread for a seven almost eight year old.

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