Saturday, July 5, 2008

Off C's Blog.

I think she won't mind... Though I didn't ask. That was rude. Oh well.

1. Where is your cell phone? .......I don't know until someone calls.
2. Your significant other? .........Watching RAMBO in the bedroom.
3. Your hair?...............Pulled Back.
4. Your mother? .............Haven't seen HER in years.
5. Your father? ..........Haven't seen him since I was 19.
6. Your favorite thing? .......Quiet time.
7. Your dream last night? .......Don't remember.
8. Your favorite drink? ....Bubbly water.
9. Your dream/goal? .........A happy abundant family.
10. The room you're in? ......Kitchen.
11. Your hobby? .....I'll have to think about that.
12. Your fear?....Looking back on my life and realizing it should have been different.
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years?......In the forest in a little shack.
14. Where were you last night? ........At the fireworks.
15. What you're not?.......Unhappy.
16. Muffins? .......Love 'em.
17. One of your wish list items? .......Vacation to travel all over the place.
18. Where you grew up? ....Illinois
19. The last thing you did? .....Today? Cook a meal.
20. What are you wearing? .....bikini swim suit.
21. Your pets? ......Abby the happy dog.
22. TV in your house? ........Three: bedroom, family room, boys room
23. Your computer?, that is why I am here now.
24. Your life? .........Fabulous, like out of a story book that I wrote.
25. Your mood? .......Free like the wind.
26. Missing someone? ........Yes.
27. Your car? .........A van full of rukusy children.
28. Something you're not wearing? ........Make-up
29. Favorite store? .......Hobby Lobby, it has EVERYTHING except food
30. Your summer? ...........Delightful
31. Like someone? .........Huh?
32. Your favorite color? ........Purple, red, and blue... together.
33. When is the last time you laughed? .....Every day I laugh.
34. Last time you cried? .......Two weeks ago, but I am better now.

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