Monday, July 28, 2008

Back from camp

Barring the usual suspects: the big storm, sweltering heat, a sick leader, etc. we had a great time. There was swimming and creeking, water games, songs songs and more camp songs, latrines, tents, chores, activites, secret pals, fabulous PA's, and so much more.

Hopefully by now my girls have forgotten all about the hornet nests, raccoons, mice, spiders, and other critters. Hopefully they have forgotten the tearful nights of "I-wanna-go-home"s. And we will be able to plan more fun just like this for next year.

This was one of the big reasons that I signed the girls up for girl scouts in the beginning. They get a chance to be part of nature in a way that is supervised. Nature becomes part of their lives for a few days where otherwise it would not. Plus the Girl Scout adventures and memories are so worth the time and energy. I want my girls to have this. So thank you C for helping us make this trip such a success.

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