Friday, October 12, 2012

The Lesser of Two Evils

Can I weigh in on the debate for president?

I will try not to make it long. I will try not to insult your choice, I will try not to do all the things over half of my facebook "friends" have done to me, which is to say, post photos, messages, and commentaries of half truths and distorted comments of conversations that were mishandled, misread, and misunderstood for the purpose of making their point of who is better.

First, I would like to say I take a firm stand when voting on what I believe. I don't care about abortion issues in the US. I don't care if you are gay and want to marry another person of your own gender. All this is about God and not the government. Personally, I might have even been happier to just be with my husband and not married throughout or lives. Marriage has been a binder that held us together too many times and it was also what we used against eachother when we wanted to get our way too many times for so many years. I should like to see what would have happened if we didn't have that sticky glue of marriage holding us here. If our choice to stay together would have changed had we not had that sticky paper. What if the only thing holding us together was... us. Well I digress. Back to the topic.

I don't even care about whether or not people are more green. There I said it. Sometimes I throw my paper mail into the garbage because it is closer than the recycle. And let's face it, who are we kidding?? People were greener when they didn't have computers, ipods, ipads, cell phones, and all the other doohickies that charge our electric bills to high heights all night and day. We were greener when mom and grandma had to walk to the grocery store with her foldup cart, because the family only had one car and it was at work with hub. We were more green when our kids walked to the park, instead of being driven to soccer practice, dance lessons, swim practice, and all the other places we think they "must" be. But again, I digress. This, for another day and another blog post. We will get THERE.

For too long I have listened to both sides. (and as I told you, I do have a position). Why too long? Because it seems forever that I have been hearing the half truths of both sides. And any amount of lies is too much. Fact checking the dems from reps has even become a job for liars. Even the FACTS are being swayed toward one side or another. So to all you political facebook friends of mine, all you commentary-ers, you "fact" checkers, how are you helping? If you convince someone to vote for your stupid candidate by telling them half truths and lies, if you distort the numbers so they look like something they are not, and post them on Facebook, are you helping the world? Are you helping ANYONE? Are you making us smarter? Or is reaching your goal just more important than your integrity? Are we such a community of scammers that there is no need for truth, just a need for a bottom line winner?

This is why election year really sucks. It reminds me (at first I put "us" in place of "me". I changed it just in case you don't agree) of how many people think we are stupid. It reminds me of how many people think power is more important than the pain women suffer after abortions and before. It reminds me of how little REP's and DEM's alike really care about the rights of gays. They don't. They don't seem to care at all. They only want to win. They don't care if women are dying from unsafe abortions or if they are dying inside after a safe abortion. They think we think that they care. But they don't. They don't care about whether or not they environemnt is safe. They don't care about whether or not you are safe. Raise taxes, lower taxes, it doesn't matter. You won't see any more if it going to benifit you than you already do. And they think you don't know this. They are taking away our rights and they think you don't notice.

They are signing bills into effect allowing themselves ultimate freedoms and restricting ours. They are allowing children to be tagged and monitored with computer chips. They are making rules that apply to us and not them. They take our money and squander it, then convince people it is the rich's fault we are poor, and if we take more from them, we will all be even. Only the reality is that there will just be more for them to squander. And they think we don't know that they are trying to turn us against eachother. They think we are so into what we believe in that we don't care if it is based on their lies.

And THAT ladies and gentlemen, is the world we live in. The people we chose to protect our rights are leading us to slaughter and they think we don't care. Maybe they are right. And that is my weigh-in. In the words of the fab Dr. Seuss "Sorry to say so but sadly its true.

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