A mother in our homeschool group has set up a list of trips dedicated to the history of our state. Once a month the kids meet to take a hike, visit a museum, or see a site. Today was the first of many more to come. Don't know how many we will go to, we will see. On one hand it fulfills a requirement... History and Geography of our state. On the other hand, I exert no pressure on the kids to learn anything. Gaige and his friends did the scavanger hunt that went with the museum portion of this trip. Brenda and a friend tried to, but I think they had a goal of finding answers to questions... not the same thing as wanting to learn. Anywho, after the museum we headed for a hike on the grounds. It was very muddy, but all in all, I think the kids had a great time. And really, what more can I ask for?
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