Saturday, May 24, 2008

Crazy Saturday

So we have this birthday party to go to. It is a girl that Bret really likes so we couldn't blow it off and take the easy road of doing nothing today. I keep trying to do that but it doesn't work out for me lately. Anyway so we had this birthday to go to. It was about half an hour drive which already had me a little crabby, and I was headed to the shower to clean up. This crazy thing popped into my mind while I was in the shower. I had been trying to figure out the name of this store that I wanted to go to. I tried to find it on line unsuccessfully. Then this morning in the bathroom the name popped into my head. Evidentally it was the time to go shopping. I was very excited. I had been thinking for a bit about buying some hand drums for the house so that the girls and I could experiment a bit with drumming together. I really get so much out of my drumming circle that I thought I could pull some of that into our homeschooling. And this store advertised just such drums as I was looking for. So I planned out my trip. First we would go to the store to get presents for the birthday girl. Then we would travel the half hour to this store that I wanted to go to. Last we would head over to K's house for her party, yet another half hour. BUT if I took a separate trip to the store, it would be an hour, round and back. Another trip to the birthday party would also be an hour round trip. So really I saved my self half hour of driving this way. Salvaging a bit of gas money was my excuse. I took the girls, who just loved this earthy indianish store. We stayed much longer than I had anticipated because the girls wanted to look around. In the end, we bought two drums and ordered one more smaller one that would fit Bret's size better. Then we were off to the party. Later tonight, we got together, first Bret and me, then Brenda eventually joined up with us. It was a blast. We made up songs that we sang and drummed to. Bret danced around. At first Brenda was a little uncomfortable picking up the drum and doing her own thing, but eventually she gained some confidence. They loved it. But all things must end. I had to put them to bed. Tomorrow is another day.

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