Monday, December 5, 2011


Yes I said COOP. AKA Co Op (as in cooperative learning). We joined up with a co op this year and the girls were given choices of some classes they could take. Brenda took Photography, kick boxing, speech, and computer web design. Almost immediately she quit web design, and kick boxing was replaced with set design (for the play Willie Wonka they are putting on). Next to go was speech. After that she was settled with only photography and set design.
Bret chose art (with a little history sneaked in), drama (the Willie Wonka play she got the part of the snotty girl schoolmate named Matilda and an ooma loompa), taokwando (which she LOVES!!!) and I picked Botany for her. She and I have so much fun together with the botany. She was so ready to chuck it out because it was too schooly. Now even Brenda is in the class because it is so much fun!
Marley, Kindergarten doesn't get many choices. She has gym, arts n crafts, and lang arts (abc's). She is in the choir for the play. She was so excited when the choir went around Christmas caroling for all the classrooms. She is such a bundle of song anyway. I hear her singing the songs she learns there (most of them religious) all over the house. Sometimes I sneak over to where she is and start singing them too. lol.

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