Saturday, February 19, 2011

Thinking Like An Older Girl Scout

Bonjour, je m'apelle Brenda. J'aime La Dame Gaga. Qui etes-vous? This was Brenda's speech for Thinking Day. Then we all sang Alluette together. Which come to find out is a song about plucking feathers from a lark.
French to english translation...
Alouette, gentille Alouette
Alouette je te plumerai
Alouette, gentille Alouette
Alouette je te plumerai
Je te plumerai la tete
Je te plumerai la tete
Et la tte, et la tete
Alouette, Alouette
Alouette, gentille Alouette
Alouette je te plumerai

Lark, nice Lark (or Lark, lovely Lark)
Lark, I am going to pluck you
I am going to pluck your head,
I am going to pluck your head,
And the head, and the head,


1 comment:

Kim said...

I took French in high school and never knew that it was about plucking a head - yuck! LOL