Tuesday, February 22, 2011

English for the older girls

So these are all things that my girls have worked on. Plus Bret and I have been talking about classifying. I combined two in one. I had a list of words on one paper and asked them to classify each word in the right catagory. They have a notebook of definitions already so if they were to say I don't know what pronoun is, I would tell them to look it up in their notebook. They have the meaning of pronoun in their own words with applicable examples.

Don't like worksheets? Make it into a game. Write each catagory down on a big poster size paper. Then have every word on the list of words on an 8-1/2 x 11 sheet of paper and make it a human sized game.

Or take the premade game board as in the last post and make cards such as this.

"Which word is a contraction?
people try she can't"

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