Sunday, August 1, 2010

Need A New Look??

So it occurred to me today... well a couple things really. One was that Brenda has no nice clothes for church. She is strictly $3.00 walmart shorts and hand-me-down t-shirts right now. The other thing is that flip flop season is almost over and all the girls have besides sandals are tennis shoes (and they really should not be wearing flip flops to church anyway). So we headed to the thrift shop for a little make over.

So we played around a bunch trying on stuff we will never buy because it is funny. Then we got down to business. I found some couch pillows for cheap. We can always use more of those!! Plus a serger for $1.99!!!!!! Can't even believe that one. Now to find out how to use the darned thing!

The girls each got to express a little bit of extra creativity that, I have come to find out, is overflowing these days.

Brenda is shampooing and Bret is the shower. (In case you didn't figure this pic out already. lol.) So NEWSFLASH for our family... Brenda will wear dresses and skirts. Now that was a new development in our household. Wowee to that piece of information.

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