Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The End of Dance

At the same time period as swim team was going on, so were Marley's dance lessons. Our community public school PTA runs a dance center during the school year. $75-$100 for 9 months of tap, jazz, ballet, and sometimes hip hop lessons. Then there is a recital at the end. Amazingly great deal for dance lessons. Not like I am prepping my girls for careers in the Chicago Ballet or anything so for that fab price my girls get together with friends once a week to get some basic lessons in dance. Well there were six week summer clinics this year.

Since the girls were both at camp two of the weeks, I signed only Lily up for her first ever dance classes in tap and ballet. Lily's good friend Lillie was there with her which was great. Lillie's sisters are in swim team. So for the last couple years Lily and Lillie played together at the swim meets. This was a chance for them to be together for something else. Maybe they will dance together again this fall...

So Tuesday while I was sitting in a tent with the swim team, Lily was dancing on the small dance floor/stage for all the parents (for us of course that was Big Bret) in her last performance of the summer. *Chuckle*

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