Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Tennessee Gathering

Here are some pictures real quick from our trip to Roan, Tennessee for the Unschooling Gathering. What a blast. This being our first group get-together with unschoolers, I realized one thing. This is so important to Bret and Marley. Bret is just about at that age where kids are going to start saying things to her about not reading yet and not doing "school things". If she has a safe place already, with friends that do not judge her for going at her own speed, she will better deal with the kids that do judge her. Here is Bret with her new friend. Face art with Sharpees.
Here they are again going on a hike together.

Marley playing ping pong. This was a big hit for her even though she couldn't hit a ball. Technicalities...

Brenda tried her hand at Guitar Hero and realized that she was good at it. And enjoys it. Where are you Santa??? Are you watching?

Bret making a work of art... Sugar Skulls for the Day of the Dead.

1 comment:

Fairy Expert Airisa/Superbatgal said...

I had a blast playing with Bret! She is the best friend I ever had. Also please put a pictus re of Bret's cheek, with the whole picture, please.
