Friday, November 4, 2011


We started our holiday by Trunk-or-treating at a local church. There was free chili (even amazing vegetarian chili for me!!!!) and hot dogs, a jump house, balloon animals, cotton candy and pop corn, and of course trunk-or-treats.

Next we headed over to Carie's Seventh Street Gifts in Newport for their amazing halloween festival they throw! There was food, fun, fire, friends, and more.

Brenda met "life" at this party. Life handed her a lemon. When she got home we made lemonaid. lol.

Let out the ghouls and goblins, we are heading back to Hebron. Bret was working overtime again and the girls wanted out of town for their Tricks and Treats. Paula was throwing a party so we headed to KY to visit old friends and collect some candy.

Bret was an 80's girl until too many people called her Belinda Carlisle, during Trunk-or-Treats. She turned into Belinda for Paula's house.

Here is Marley with Paula and her son. Marley was actually several things this year, Rapunzle, a witch, a vampire...

And Brenda, lots of people thought she was rain, but she was really a jellyfish. Her facebook has been Brenda Jellyfish for months now. lol.

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