Friday, April 1, 2011

Cinnamon Bubble Rolls

Again! It took two times to download this before I got it to stick! Oh well. So is life. In our new edition of Family Fun there was a fun-looking recipe for this bubble bread (that incidentally tastes like cinnamon rolls). So I got some yeast and asked Marley if she wanted to help which of course she did.

Lately I have heard all about how the older girls get to do whatever they want and she NEVER gets to do ANYTHING she wants to do. So I have been working on just finding ways to attract her attention to other fun things.

This bubble bread was so fun! There was the issue of my yeast not leavening properly. That has been happening to me since I moved to this house. I blame the house. Anyway so we were making these balls of dough and then we were to roll them in butter and next into our sugar cinnamon mix. Finally 5 go in each cupcake tin and they rise (except mine don't) and then they cook (this is where ours finally rise lol.)

The rule was to pat your hands in flour before you role the dough pieces so they don't stick. She rolled a bunch herself then offered me to help. I started rolling them at a faster speed. Marley corrected me. "You don't need more flour, Mom. Slow and easy, Mom. Slow and easy. Then they don't stick to your hands." And when I forgot and sped up she would remind me. lol.

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